There are also several exterior pockets that are useful for other items like a water bottle or utensils. The backpack has an excellent capacity that can fit 20 cans with ease. After regularly using this bag for five months on weekend trips, camping trips, and days at the beach, we love that it can fit absolutely everything you need, from drinks to snacks. We think the ability to use the REI Co-op Cool Trail Pack Cooler as a backpack cooler or as a regular hiking backpack makes it a winner for versatility. There was quite a bit of leakage and melted ice after two hours. The Details: 13 x 7 x 17.5 inches | 25 liters capacity | 2.1 pounds Additionally, the two side pockets, back mesh pocket, front zippered pocket, and built-in bottle opener are thoughtful touches that solidified our decision to make this backpack cooler the overall winner. Plus, the bag has padded tote straps so it can be carried in several ways while on the go. The ripstop poly materials feel tough and water-resistant, and the straps and back panel make the backpack more comfortable to wear and adjust for a customized fit. When we tested durability by throwing the cooler off of a table, there wasn’t a single can that was damaged and we didn’t see any leaking. It has a sturdy roll-top opening that made it simple to pack 40 cans that felt fresh out of the refrigerator after sitting for two hours.

This backpack cooler snagged the highest scores in all of our testing categories, but it particularly stood out for its functionality. After two hours, the cans were still very cold and most of the ice was intact, perfect for a long day trip or camping trip.
We love how durable and secure the Igloo Outdoor Pro Water Repellent Backpack Cooler is. It’s not the most stylish backpack cooler.